Tuesday, July 9, 2013

[Anthrocon]/The Furvasion Part 1

Logo courtesy of Anthrocon, Inc.
Well, it's been another 4th of July and another Anthrocon is in the books. Sure, this year the record was set for the most fursuits in the parade, at 1300, but there's just so much more to things than just that. So, while I'm still working on our review of the event as a whole...

...have some pictures that we managed to snag as we wandered the halls of the David Lawrence Convention Center and the streets of downtown Pittsburgh during our dive into the world's largest Furry convention.

In total we managed to get well over 200 pictures and hours of video from the dance competitions, dances on Saturday night, parade and Guest of Honor panels with Mercedes Lackey and Larry Dixon that we're still going through it all here at the Den of Debauchery.

So, without further ado (or me yacking about random things too much), let's get on with the pictures!

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