Monday, August 5, 2013

[Howl-O-Scream]/A Swingin Time with #12: The Hangman

Well, not to be outdone by the insane announcement from Universal Hollywood of Black Sabbath coming to this year's HHN, Busch Gardens Tampa has gone and unveiled the #12 evil of "The 13" for this year's Howl-O-Scream this afternoon as well!

I mean literally, it was only a few minutes before. Talk about a nutty morning around here, but that's how it goes!

Get ready for a little fun with this one and I was nearly right on with my guess too. Executioner...hangman...pretty damn close if you ask me and I'm curious to see just what they're going to do with this. So, let's meet the newest evil, shall we?

You’ve heard the rumors of this sinister street. People have disappeared and those who made it out are said to have told tales of torture and torment, dangling from hooks, piercing into their skin.

And because of a few wrong turns, you have now found yourself here. Dark. Silent. Alone.

You begin to quickly walk back the way you believe you stumbled upon this lane. Two figures appear. You look around for a way out. You run in fear, losing your sense of direction as you dodge objects preventing your exit.

In this game, there is only one chance. #12 The Hangman is right behind you. Will you escape before he takes you to his playground? He has one job and does it especially well.

There's definitely a few nods to movies like U-Turn going on in that description and that's not exactly a bad thing. Also, unlike what Universal has been doing with both of their HHN events, Busch Gardens is sticking to the originality angle and at this point there's really no way to stop that train...

So, there we have it. Only four more evils to be revealed and still quiet a few mazes so we're definitely not out of the woods yet. What's next up on the block? Well, none other than the #9 and #2 evils...

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