Thursday, September 5, 2013

[Haunts] 20 Years of Fear with Scarin' PA's Ghoul Mansion

Time to head up to another Haunt Tour 2013 hopeful and up to Scarin, PA for, the 20th year of, Ghoul Mansion. Western Pennsylvania's longest running haunt definitely has quite the reputation surrounding it as they go into this year's season and everything that I've read up on it, it's muchly deserved. How much? Well, hopefully we'll get a chance to see for ourselves.

That said, there's quite a bit going on in this mansion of horror.

This year they're running for 25 nights during this coming season from Sept 13th-Nov 3rd, but they've got quite a bit of insanity running about within their walls for 2013. Not content to have just one theme running throughout the attraction, they have 6. Yep, you read that right, 6 different themes. Most places only 2 or 3 and maybe 4th if you're lucky within one haunt. Not the folks up in Sharon, oh no.

Not only do they run for 25 nights during this coming season from Sept 13th-Nov 3rd, but they've got quite a bit of insanity running about within their walls for 2013.

So, let's get on with it, shall we?

The Dungeon of Doom

Take the elevator down to the dungeon of the mansion. You’ll come across tortured residents and shocking scenes that may not be suitable for young children, as you make your way through the cobwebs.

Don’t scream too loud, the custodian hates to be bothered.

The Gauntlet of Ghouls

Squeeze your way through the tunnel into the Gauntlet of Ghouls. It's pitch black, your heart beat is louder than ever, there’s a knot in your throat and you can feel something breathing on your neck.

Stay close, hang on tight to your group and try and find your way through this ever-changing maze.

The Mansion

What once was a notorious mansion is downtown Sharon, PA, has been run down. Beware, the residents have taken over and are lurking around every corner.

Don’t get left behind, as appealing as staying for dinner may sound, you won’t enjoy it.

Scarin’ Behavioral Institute

Tour the institution that was once the best around. SBI was a highly reputable institution, until the nurses and doctors themselves went insane! They’ve been performing surgeries and tests on these patients all year. The nurses will be sure to serve you up a dose of fear.

Be warned, patients may be on the loose.

The Body Shop

Once you’ve made your way through the mansion corridors, stumble on into The Body Shop. Sure, it may look a mess, but the headmaster’s chef knows where everything is at. He’s bound and determined to get the last missing pieces to complete his special project.

But he’s angry that no one is willing to lend him a hand!

CarnEvil Fear 3D

Step right up one and all! Wear these glasses, you’ll need them to protect your eyes from the sights you’re about to see! Welcome to CarnEvil Fear in 3D. Prepare yourself for the explosion of images and color you’re about to come upon. This circus has made its home and these clowns have gone insane!

Hopefully your brain doesn’t explode, but if it does, we thank you for adding to our show!

And there ya have it. Everything for this year's Ghoul Mansion in Sharon, PA. I would have more, but there's just nothing more to have and since I've never been there I can't really comment on things too much. That and we've seen quite a few of these themes out there already. They're not the flashiest haunt out there, but nor do they pretend to be either. This is some good old fashioned nightmare fuel type stuff going on here and hopefully we'll get to see it first hand this year. I mean if they've been around for 20 years, they gotta be doing something right, eh?

For more information like dates, times and tickets visit the official Ghoul Mansion website for all that and more!

Also, as per the usual, don't forget to follow me on Twitter @KitsuneHazard and Google+ for all the latest updates, news and more from haunts all over the US! 

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