Monday, March 24, 2014

[Haunts] Castle Blood is Moving, Immortalize Yourself by Helping Out!

You're probably asking yourself "Wait, new Castle Blood?!" Well, for those who don't know, Monessen's very own Castle Blood has been on the search for a new home recently. It was a bit shocking to hear, but at the same time it was always in the cards as well and they'll be moving to their fifth and hopefully final location for the 2014 season. So, for those wishing it may have been a bit longer, looks like those wishes may be coming true after all.

Their location for the past two years has been good to them, but a move to a more suitable location is never a bad thing either. According to Gravely, it's been the plan all along to move into something that's more their style once they could and give the current building they were in back to the city. So, with that actually happening, it's good to hear that they will be staying in Monessen as it's home to Gravely too. Not only that but it's also good for them to stay in the same area where they're already established, moving towns is even worse than just moving down the street.

Now, what of this whole being a part of things? Well, as many of you know, moving a haunt can be a very daunting task and a new building can add all kinds of challenges to the mix. In order to accomplish this, they've kicked off a way for you to be a part of the newest incarnation of Castle Blood with a very unique offer.

Announced earlier on their Facebook page, you can have your name as part of the all new location. Without further ado, here's all the details:

Example of one of the vaults your name could be on!
Want your name on the All NEW Castle Blood this fall?

Purchase one of our Legacy Vaults with your name on it now, to help us build our forever home.

Only $250 and you also receive 2 tickets and one of the annual t shirts for the first 5 years after purchase, which is almost $250 anyway.

We truly need your support as we move forward in a huge step for us.

It's really not a bad deal at all and if you're the type that loves the unique and strange, than Castle Blood is definitely worth your support. Just think about it, free t-shirt and tickets for 5 years, that's kinda nutty, but pretty awesome too!

They're not kidding with the huge step part either, while I can't say all the details, the new castle is definitely going to be an impressive affair and let them do more of what they've wanted to for quite a few years now. So, if you can, everything you can do to help would be greatly appreciated by the denizens I'm sure and who doesn't love to help spread the Halloween spirit a bit?

For more information, check out the official Castle Blood website or hit them up on Facebook and Twitter as well!

As always, follow me on Twitter @KitsuneHazard, Tumblr and of course Google+ for all the latest updates, news and other insanity! Or if you're feeling masochistic, follow us on Facebook too.

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