Tuesday, April 21, 2015

[Cosplay] Tekko 2015's Masquerade - Part 1

As we all know, hall cosplay isn't the only thing at conventions and the masquerade is where you can see some really off the wall stuff. Of course, it's not always all of the best, but you can be sure that those really into it will be part of things.

This year I noticed there was a slightly lower number of entrants, but all in all, everyone did a pretty damn good job of things and some folks went waaaaay over the top.

This year competitors competed in three separate categories; Novice, Journeyman and Master and I have to say that there was a pretty good representation from all three. Hopefully the masquerade at Tekko continues to grow and even more great costuming is seen on the stage in the Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom at the DLCC! 

Once again, the evil blue lights of death reared their ugly heads but for the most part, was able to avoid them. In a few cases, it was sadly unavoidable. Gotta do the best ya can with what they give ya, right?  Also, as per the usual, things will get a little funky here and there with how many pictures are in a post but I think I've got three of these. We'll just have to wait and see how that all shakes out.

So, let's get down to the pictures but first...as always, the Tekko Masquerade intro by the one, and only, Uncle Yo!

Now we can get to the pictures, I really mean it this time!

Got quite a bit more coming so keep it here as the rest roll out throughout the rest of today and tomorrow!

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